Monday, March 28, 2011

I'm in love with Ira Glass

I was first introduced to YouTube when I was shown a video that was called ScareTactics: Rat Monster.  It was a Tv show that used to air a long time ago where friends would set each other up in fake situations to scare the daylights out of them.  If you are not familiar with this particular video I was strongly suggest you go watch it.  I laughed so hard I almost started crying.  Unless laughing isn't your thing, and then don't bother. 

As someone who does storytimes I'm constantly trolling around on YouTube to find videos of other teachers and librarians performing storytimes.  I think it has given me some great ideas over the past few months and it exposes me to a wider range of experienced professionals than I get in just one city.  I've watched authors, experienced librarians all over the country in several library systems, and teachers of almost all grade levels performs great storytimes.  It has helped take the few hours I have as a part time library employee and make the most of them! 

The video I'm posting is one of my favorites.  I'm a BIG Mercer Mayer fan and I found this clip of him performing his story There's and Alligator Under my Bed  a couple weeks ago.  I always enjoyed reading his tales, but being able to match them with his face and expressions was a wonderful discovery. 

So I have never been a big fan of audio books.  I can understand their appeal, they are handy you can drive, you can walk the dog, you can sit in the bathtub and listen to a book.  But every time I try to listen to any audio book I fall right to sleep.  Something about the close similarities between audio books and lectures that just make me scream COFFEE every time one starts. 

But my dad LOVES them.  And when I was first hired at the library the very first thing I did when I got off work after my first day was to tell my father about how he could download audio books from NetLibrary.  He's downloaded all sorts of things, and he really loves the service. 

One title that I found on NetLibrary while looking around was Little Women.  I love Louisa May Alcott, what little girl didn't grow up loving Jo and wanting to be strong like her?  It's super long though, over 19 hours (another reason I can't get into audio books) but I'm sure it along with any other audio book would make any car trip seem shorter. 

A couple of years ago This American Life did a live broadcast to several movie theatre across the country.  This was the first moment that I was one hundred percent sure that I was going to find Ira Glass and marry him.  It doesn't matter that he's already married, he's mine.  And all because of This American Life, a podcast I'm absolutely hooked on and count down the minutes till it will be downloaded and updated into my iTunes library.  Oh yes Ira, you will be mine. 

I'm fairly addicted to podcasts.  Having been a terrible sleeper for years, I took to listening to podcasts at night while I was trying to fall asleep.  So while I may not get a full seven to eight hours of REM a night, I sure do know a lot about random things.  I listen to a lot of Stuff You Should Know podcasts (Stuff Mom Never Told You, Stuff You Missed in Histoy Class, Stuff of Genius) that include bits of history, random gender related facts, and awesome trivia.  The hosts for each show is hilarious. I've learned how WD-40 was made, why drinking water may not be that great for you, why more men have tattoos than women, and all about the lives of many famous historical figures. 

I love the podcast about NASA's infrared technology and have seen some amazing photographs of galaxies far, far away.  And have listened to the quick witted gabs of several of the contestants on Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me!  Another classic by NPR.  Really there is no end to podcast love of which I feel. 

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